Saturday, August 2, 2008

It's been a long time

So, we have been in Northern California for about 5 weeks now and things are not quite what we hoped they would be. We are still in a hotel and it looks like we will be here for at least another 3-4 weeks. People are so different than the friendly, helpful people we left in Japan we really miss Misawa and all our old and new friends from there. I am hoping that when thing start to get a little closer to normal life will start to feel a little better. Anyway, I'm including some photos of the people we miss.


The Germain Family said...

You are missed here too. We were just talking about you and the family, it finally stopped raining, that means we can go to the beach!!; the children's theater group is here they are doing Robin hood the kids both got in; And swim started. WHOOO HOOOO!

JRome said...

Even after a year, I still am experiencing the culture shock of leaving Misawa. It truly was a unique and very special experience. Those that experienced it, really understand that something is missing.

I've been trying to re- create it here but can't.

It's good to know I'm not the only one who feels this way.

Welcome back to America! I'm confident that things will work out for you and your family!

Amy said...

I'm sure it'll just take some time. You guys will adjust. I always remember you talking about how much you loved California. It'll get better! Hang in there.